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- Baltic Tiny Knit
- Aistinvaraiset lelut
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- Tutinpidikkeet
HUOM! Kuvassa esitetty tuotteen väri voi todellisuudessa hieman erota ja kuvauksen tiedot ovat yleisiä, jonka vuoksi ei ole mahdollisuutta esittää tuotteen kaikkia ominaisuuksia. Jos kysyttävää on, odotamme kirjeitänne sähköpostiosoitteeseemme info[a]mytiny.store. Väri ja pintarakenne voi puutuotteissa vaihdella, sillä puu on elävä luonnonmateriaali. Mikäli kuvauksessa ei ole mainittu, tuotteita myydään vakiona kappaleittain.
Our practical, safe and easy-to-use tableware set is made from 100% food grade silicone. The silicone bowl cannot be torn or broken. Will help your little one learn to eat independently with this modern and ergonomic design. Soft and practical lid helps to keep food warm while traveling and make meal time even more easy. Also has two small handles on each side for an easy grip. Silicone is soft and heat resistant. Suitable for microwave, dishwasher (top rack) and refrigerator.
• Soft silicone bib with food collection pocket and adjustable closure.
• Food grade silicone spoon is gentle and does not injure the baby’s gums. Babies also like to use such a spoon as a teether.
• The silicone suction bowl is attached to the table with a silicone buttom suction. Parents can be calm while feeding their baby, as the plate is securely fixed to the table.
Bowl size: 14.5 cm x 5.6 cm.
Spoon size: 16 cm x 2.9 cm.
Bib size: 30 cm x 22 cm.
Material: 100% food grade silicone. Free of phthalates, latex, BPA, BPS and PVC.
Withhold temperature: -40 ° C to 200 ° C.
Bowl capacity: 350 ml.
Age: 6+ months.
The first tableware for a baby is not only a wonderful gift that will make life easier for a mother, but first of all, it will make the process of eating for a baby more fun.
Can be washed in the dishwasher (top rank only) or wash with soap and water.
SGS / FDA / CE / EN71 / CPSIA / AU / ASTM F 963